Around 80% of us will fail to keep our resolutions this year.

According to the research, most people lose their resolve mid-February. is designed to help you organize your resolution into clear metrics and goals, and give yourself honest frequent insight on your progress.

  • Resolutions should be specific. Simply resolving to "eat better" or "exercise more" is unlikely to yield results. helps you clearly define your resolution and get periodic emails to check in on your progress.
  • The wording of your resolutions is important. Resolutions that add behavior are more effective than resolutions to erase behavior. helps you phrase your resolution as habitual, additive commitments.
  • Those who aspire to succeed should embrace failure. By recognizing and analyzing failures, we examine our own ability to change. lets you see every day if you are succeeding or failing in your goals, with a simply daily email.
  • Create a resolution

    March 14th, 2025

    Describe your resolution in terms of metrics and goals. Metrics are collected by periodic emails which ask the questions you specified. You can also set goals, so your periodic emails also show you what you are working toward.

  • Check your email

    March 15th, 2025 (tomorrow)

    For each resolution, you will receive an email at the frequency and time of day you specified. You can manage your resolutions at any time to adjust their frequency and turn on/off emails.

    Metrics are collected through a simple form with clickable links, so you can easily finish responding within a minute. As you collect more data on your resolution, you will start seeing visualizations of your progress in future emails.

  • Achieve your goals

    April 13rd, 2025 (next month)

    When you set goals, you are reminded of them at the bottom of every periodic email. After the number of days you specify have passed, your daily email will ask you whether you achieved your goal. If you need more time, you can reschedule and even push all your goals forward.